Hey everyone!

This is our first newsletter this year and we have some very exciting news to share!


  1. This website
  2. Upcoming events
  3. Feedback form
  4. Leadership Race

1. This website

You're reading this newsletter on our brand new website! This has been a long time in the making, and we're so excited to finally put it to use.

From now on, we will use this website to display events, handle equipment requests, and host newsletters and photos. In time, we will also add other features including online learning resources and frequently asked questions.

As the site is so new, there are bound to be issues, so please don't hesistate to contact us if you have any questions to ask, bugs to report, or feedback to give.

2. Upcoming events

We have several collabs with other societies coming up that we'd love for you to get involved with!

Imperial Skate Society—Wednesday 5th February

First up, we'll be joining Imperial Skate Society on Wednesday! See the events page for more details and to reserve equipment!

UCL Parkour Club and LGBTQ+ Network

We're in touch with these two societies to organize something in the coming weeks. Join the Whatsapp Group to be informed when these have been finalised!

3. Feedback form

A message from our Welfare Officer, Korina, regarding responses to our feedback form:

We love hearing your feedback to make sure we can make the club work for you! :) Here's what we've done thanks to your input:

Re: support, beginner sessions, and coaching for quad skaters

We're sorry that you were unsupported on your taster :( Unfortunately no-one on the committee is able to quad skate so there's a very limited amount of knowledge we can pass on - currently our sessions are based on skill sharing from more experienced skaters.

We are, however, working on getting extra storage space with the Union so that we can buy quad skates for members to borrow and make the sport an option for more people!

We do have a quad captain committee position open so that we can tailor events for quad skaters, so we'd encourage nominations to guarantee quad-specialised sessions.

Re: changing session timings so that more people can attend

Yes, thank you! We've started alternating our days and timings to be more accessible to everyone around lectures. We do weekday evening sessions now, and alternate weekends.

Re: more socials, especially on rainy days

We had by-elections around this time, so our lovely social sec Ray has since helped us organise foodie socials, dinners, potlucks, and more for you B)

We're working on finding an indoor venue for rainy seasons - please send us recommendations if you have any.

4. Leadership Race

Nominations for club President and Treasurer roles have opened! Nominate yourself or find out more on the Union page!

Nominations for other roles are not open yet, but you should start thinking about which roles you may wish to apply for when they do!

Here is a quick summary of the positions at SkateUCL:

  • President: Main contact with the Union, responsible for keeping the club running.
  • Treasurer: Second contact with the Union, manages club finances.
  • Welfare Officer: Responsible for keeping our sessions accessible and inclusive, resolving welfare issues, and keeping club members happy.
  • Vice President: Secretarial role; responsible for taking notes during meetings, and other miscellaneous admin.
  • Equipment Officer: Takes care of our equipment and supervises new equipment purchases.
  • Marketing Officer: Manages our social media posts and newsletters.
  • Social Secretary: Organizes engaging socials and events.
  • Captains: Responsible for promoting their respective disciplines, teaching newcomers, and organizing discipline-specific events.

Thanks for getting to the end!

Happy skating!